
Festival season: James Morrison in concert at Lake Constance! (Dick Brave, too!)

During the last weeks many British people visited this blog: most of them wanted to know what the weather at Lake Constance will be like in June. As we all know, Lake Constance is surrounded by Germany, Switzerland and Austria. I`m living in Switzerland but in the middle of June my husband and I are going to spend one week at Lake Constance`s German side. I wouldn`t be surprised if we would be the only German-speaking people at the lake and be surrounded just by British people. ;)

A quite famous British man who is at Lake Constance in June (at least for one day) is James Morrison. At the beginning of June, right at the 3rd, there is a James Morrison concert (supported as a special guest: Marit Larsen) in Salem.


Weekend trip tip: Count`s Island Festival / Mainau

Ascension Day is a legal holiday in Germany (and in Austria and Switzerland as well); Germans and Austrians call it “Christi Himmelfahrt”, Swiss people name it “Auffahrt”. This week`s Thursday (17th May, 2012): that`s this year`s Ascension Day.  

Around this long weekend around Ascension Day the annual Count`s Island Festival takes place at Mainau Island: this is quite nice event. When I visited this festival for the last time it was quite familiar there and yes, if you are spending this weekend at Lake Constance you shouldn`t miss to visit the Count`s Island Festival (“Gräfliches Inselfest” in German)!